Title of the workshop
Smart City Stack and Devops

About Workshop
The proposed hands-on workshop is planned in two parts. The first part will walk the audience through the general smart city stack being used in IUDX. The second part will take an audience through the complete Devops lifecycle from creating containers, testing and deployment of the containers. As the workshop is intended as a hands-on workshop, the audience is advised to bring their own laptops with linux based distro installed. Please keep checking the website for other prerequisite installation needed.

Tentative Content

Serial No. Title Duration
1 Introduction to mentor and Workshop 10 mins
2 Introduction to Smart City Stack (IUDX) 15 mins
3 IUDX Architecture, Introduction to smart city stack components 50 mins
4 Introduction to Devops, hands on session 2 hrs
5 Careers and Conclusion 20 mins

Abhilash V, Lead Engineer - IUDX FSID IISc Bangalore
Abhilash works as lead Devops Engineer at Indian Urban Data Exchange, working primarily on container and cloud based technologies .He also works on Enclave based privacy enhancing technology (PET) at IUDX research division.
He loves Linux, Computer Networks, Security, privacy and anything in Systems in general. He is a Free and Open Source (FOSS), and privacy evangelist. He contributes to several meetups including FOSS meetups, Null community meetups etc.
He holds B.Tech in Information technology from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka India Urban Data Exchange (IUDX) is a transformative initiative of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India to provide a data exchange platform to Indian cities. IUDX serves as a seamless interface for data providers and data users, including Urban Local Bodies, to share, request, and access datasets related to cities, urban governance, and urban service delivery. The platform has been initiated by the Smart Cities Mission and is implemented by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru.
IUDX is completely open source, based on an underlying framework of open standard APIs, data models, and the security, privacy and accounting mechanisms that will facilitate its easy adoption across the digital ecosystem. At present it holds datasets across more than 35 cities catering 9 different domains

Dr. Jyotirmoy Dutta, Specialist Scientist, IUDX FSID IISc Bangalore.


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